GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory – II: Experimental Predictions
F-theory and the LHC: Stau Search
Heckman和Verlinde最近发现,要求D7膜脱耦等价于D7膜绕在非对易的four cycle上,four cycle上有有限个fuzzy点,点的个数与大统一耦合强度有关,非常有意思。
We show that in the decoupling limit of an F-theory compactification, the internal directions of the seven-branes must wrap a non-commutative four-cycle S. We introduce a general method for obtaining fuzzy geometric spaces via toric geometry, and develop tools for engineering four-dimensional GUT models from this non-commutative setup. We obtain the chiral matter content and Yukawa couplings, and show that the theory has a finite Kaluza-Klein spectrum. The value of 1/alpha_(GUT) is predicted to be equal to the number of fuzzy points on the internal four-cycle S. This relation puts a non-trivial restriction on the space of gauge theories that can arise as a limit of F-theory. By viewing the seven-brane as tiled by D3-branes sitting at the N fuzzy points of the geometry, we argue that this theory admits a holographic dual description in the large N limit. We also entertain the possibility of constructing string models with large fuzzy extra dimensions, but with a high scale for quantum gravity.
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